Am Sonntag, den 13. 4. 2008 wurde im Stall Phil'Ing Horses im französischen Beaumont-Le-Roger (Normandie) ein Hengstfohlen von Sturmklang geboren. Wie seine Mutter, die Staatsprämienstute Sabrina XXII, weist das Fohlen große Partien auf, es zeigt sich langbeinig mit sehr guter Schulter.
Die Züchterin, die Mutter Sabrina in 2007 von uns erwarb und von Sturmklang decken ließ, schrieb per E-Mail:
Sturmklang has a son...
Dear Klaus,
I am very pleased to tell you that Sabrina foaled Sunday morning at 7 a.m. and that we now have a beautiful colt. The birth went very fast, and Sabrina is very attentive to her baby. They are both doing quite well.
How many other foals are you expecting from Sturmklang this year? He just has two fillies now, right? But now he has a colt, too. We are, of course, very proud of him. He has a lovely stature and a very nice head which reminds me of Sturmklang. His markings are also very nice, with one white foot and a thin zig-zag blaze down his nose. (This is hard to see in the photo unless you make the photo large. It was hard to take good photos because he was moving so much.)
We were in Normandy the entire weekend thinking Sabrina would probably foal, so we were able to arrive just after the baby was born and was still wet.
Thank you once again for having provided us with the source of so much joy.